How to update your website content

Firstly, to make any edits to your website, you need to be logged in. To login go to (Bookmark this!)

Feel free to contact us for more help or if more comples updates are required such as header or footer info or new layouts. Also, visit our Support page to learn what is included in your Support subscription package.



Wordpress Pages are containers for showing your content using our LM (Loud Mountain) Builder Modules.

Pages are edited on the 'frontend' (the public side of your website) with 'drag and drop' modules that provide you with a plethora of features and control not possible with standard Wordpress 'Blocks' in the 'backend' (the admin side of your website).

To add a NEW page

  1. From the backend: Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New
    From the  frontend, in the grey menu bar at the top choose New > Page.
  2. Type in the Title, press Publish, then press the Launch Beaver Builder button (the Standard Editor uses the built in Wordpress Content Blocks which have limited features and we don't use).
  3. A link to the new page will need to be added to the navigation menu. You can do so in the backend via Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.

Editing an EXISTING page

Login, then:

  1. Navigate to the 'front end' of your websiteVisit website front end
  2. Navigate to the Page you want to edit.
  3. To begin editing, click 'LM Builder' in the Admin Menu at the top of the page. Give the page time to reload.
  4. Then, when you rollover the contents of the page, you will see blue outlines with Editing buttons. These are called modules ('modules' are inside 'rows' which have grey outlines). Modules types range from basic text boxes to complex features.
  5. Click the Spanner Icon for the module you want to edit

    Module edit links

  6. To publish your changes, click Done and then Publish in the top right corner of the page. You may need to Refresh the page (Control/Command + R).
  7. Always double check your updates 🙂


Posts (eg. news articles)

Posts are used for adding content that is usually date based such as news items. Posts use Categories and sometimes Tags.

Content for Posts is edited in the 'backend' of your website.

Adding a NEW post

To add a new Post, go to Posts > Add new


from the website 'front end' go to New > Post via the top Admin menu.

Editing an EXISTING post

  1. Navigate to the Post you want to edit in the website 'frontend'.
  2. From the Admin menu bar select Edit Post (you will be taken to the Wordpress editor in the 'backend').
  3. Wordpress uses 'Blocks' to for adding and organising various types of content (text, photos, downloadable PDF's etc) in a post. However, depending you your website requirements the Standard Wordpress Editor may still be in use.

Block settings

Each Block type has its own options. When you click inside a block you'll see the relevant settings in the right side column.

The Events Calendar

The Events list shows all events as a single event even if they belong to a 'series' of recurring events. When you hover over an event in the list, you have the choice to 'Edit All' (in the series) or 'Edit Single'.

Edit single

Just updates the single event, even if it originally belonged to a series of recurring events. That means if you later edit the 'series' of events, the single event you just edited won't be changed as it has been taken out of recurring event series.

Edit All

This will edit all of the events in this recurring event group. Every recurring event will show the changes you make.

Create a new series

Use this for standard recurring events that happen over a long period.

Click Events > Add Event. Then click 'Schedule multiple events' button.

Schedule multiple events

This will allow you to add events that recur, not only weekly etc but also at different times during the week by selecting the 'Add more events' button.

Don't forget to select the events 'Category' and fill in all other relevant fields.

Event Categories

Editing an event that belongs to a series

After the event series has been created, if you wish, you can edit the individual events for information to that single event only in the series. Do this by rolling over the event in the Events list and selecting 'Edit single' as per the instructions above.

For Yoga class events, in the Event description field, only add a link to the yoga class Page which will has all the class info and booking form. Then the class info only exists in one place on your website which makes updating easy.

Event description field

Create a new single event

This is for a single non-recurring event. Click Events > Add Event but don't select  the 'Schedule Muliple Events' button.


You can automate the purchasing of tickets for events. Specifically for your business, this would be for one-off events such as a Yoga retreat. Contact me for a quote to set this up for you.

Editing existing content

Existing page content can be edited on the 'front end' of the website if you have logged in.

  1. Navigate to the 'front end' of your website.
  2. Navigate to the Page you want to edit.
  3. To begin editing, click 'LM Builder' in the Admin Menu at the top of the page. Give the page a few seconds to reload.
  4. Then, when you rollover the contents of the page, you will see blue outlines with Editing buttons. These are called modules ('modules' are inside 'rows' which have grey outlines). Modules types range from basic text boxes to post listings, depending on your website needs.
  5. Click the Spanner Icon for the module you want to edit.
  6. To publish your changes, click Done and then Publish in the top right corner of the page. You may need to Refresh the page (Control/Command + R).
  7. Always double check your updates 🙂